
How much time do you save by turning off your phone?

In concrete terms, how much time does turning off my laptop save me? I wanted to be clear: so I took the test. My boyfriend and I have the exact same phone. And we both have a “flash” charger. Once our devices got to 5% battery, I plugged them in. Mine turned off, his continued to function normally. Result: they arrived at 100% with a gap of only 6 minutes. I thought I would win at least 20 minutes… well, I’m disappointed! Finally, with these latest generation devices, this trick is not really valid. Especially if you have a “flash” charger. However, it seems interesting for old devices. We save about 15% of time. And this is not negligible.

How do I charge my phone faster?

The trick of turning off the device completely only saves a few minutes. But that’s it! Fortunately, you can add other tips to save even more precious minutes. Here they are: – Have the right charger for your phone. It allows efficient charging without heating up the iphone. – Use a wall socket and not a USB port connected to the computer which takes longer to recharge. – Close unnecessary apps that “eat up” energy unnecessarily. – Do not use the phone while charging. It’s the screen that consumes the most, so if it’s on, the battery obviously fills up more slowly.

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