
When should the phone be charged?

The expert also gave me this tip to preserve battery life. It is best not to let the phone discharge too much: never below 20%. Likewise, never fully charge it. Guess the reason? Quite simply, because the connection time is too long for the electrodes. By the way, have you noticed that the charging time between 88 and 100% is much longer? Quite simply, because “it pulls” a lot more on the battery to fill it up…and that’s where it damages it. So, do not hesitate to connect the smartphone regularly. The ideal is that the autonomy is around 50%. And if you wonder why, read the following:

Why is a 50% charge optimal?

Finally, when does the battery perform at its best? Well, according to all phone manufacturers, the battery tops out around 40%. To give a slightly wider range: between 30 and 60%. This is where it discharges the slowest. Besides, when you buy a new phone and turn it on for the first time, the charge is around 40%. It is not a coincidence.

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