
Some tips to maintain your smartphone battery

As we have seen, iOS and Android optimize the use and recharging of the battery as well as possible. The fact remains that it is possible to increase its lifespan by respecting a few basic rules.

Preferably recharge the battery when it indicates between 20 and 80%. Do not wait for it to drop below and recharging beyond 80% damages your battery.
Unplug your smartphone when the gauge indicates 100%, or even before.
Avoid using your smartphone when it is charging. Playing games, using a GPS app, making calls or leaving the terminal in the sun increases its temperature while recharging does the same, which damages it.
If you don’t need Bluetooth, wifi or geolocation, turn them off, because the device constantly and automatically checks for updates and launches constant requests that are very energy-consuming to do so.
For the same reasons, prefer a wifi connection to 4G/5G if possible.
Use the original charger provided/sold with your smartphone or recommended by the manufacturer (designed to optimize speed and optimal charging power for the model).
Consider using Android’s dark mode if you have a smartphone with an Oled screen.
Use auto-brightness to adapt the screen backlight to the mood.
Finally, to save your battery, the first instinct is quite logically to activate the energy saving mode on your smartphone. The smartphone will then limit access to data from apps that are not in the foreground and will pause the GPS when the device screen is off.

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